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FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) is an analytical methodology used to ensure that potential problems have been considered and addressed throughout the product and process development process.

A part of the evaluation and analysis is the risk assessment.

The key point is that a discussion is conducted regarding the design (product or process), the review of functions, and any change in application, and the potential failure risk that results from it.


Developed by an international team of experts, the new FMEA AIAG & VDA manual integrates the best practices of AIAG and VDA methodologies into a harmonized and structured approach.
In addition to allowing suppliers to more easily meet their clients’ needs during the FMEA development process, the manual introduces major changes such as a new FMEA development process – the 7-step approach – and a new chapter on supplemental FMEA for system monitoring and response (FMEA-MSR). Other significant changes include the following:
▪️Fully revised severity, occurrence, and detection tables. ▪️The action priority (AP) methodology and tables replace the RPN. ▪️New spreadsheet forms (for spreadsheet users) and new software report views (for software users). ▪️The most significant change points from the AIAG FMEA 4th Edition Manual and the VDA FMEA Volume 4 Manual.

Emphasis on function-based FMEAs to the additional tools and guidance provided for supporting a more robust methodology, the new manual provides consistent direction and guidance to all automotive suppliers.

QUALIPRO has integrated all the AIAG VDA updates into its FMEA module.