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With Qualipro, get your ISO 15189 accreditation faster!

Qualipro allows you to digitize all your quality processes for better management of documentation, audits and action plans (corrective and preventive …), equipment, skills, customer complaints, indicators, etc. This is in order to ensure compliance with good practices in your medical laboratory.

Automate your quality process to better manage documents, audits and action plans, equipment, skills, customer complaints, indicators … in order to respect good practices in medical laboratories.
QUALIPRO has demonstrated its ability to provide effective tools allowing better quality management to clients in the healthcare sector while facilitating the acquisition of certifications such as ISO 9001 or ISO 15189 accreditation.

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The possibility of interfacing with other software dedicated to laboratories to allow efficient control from a single interface.

Qualipro's contribution to the requirements of medical laboratories :


Follow the different types of interventions on the equipment (calibration, calibration, and verification ...).


Evaluate and identify the skills of employees.


Manage the process through detailed real-time reporting for training needs and manage skills by bench: a concept which designates the profile of a technician by the bench and which indicates his area of expertise.


Master the pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical processes within your laboratory.


Manage possible risks from the identification of the hazard to its assessment by simplifying and automating all associated actions.