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My name is Marouani Mounira, and I am the Quality Management System Manager at Adwya Laboratories.

I am very honored to participate in this tribute to SaphirConsult.

We initially collaborated with Saphir to find a document management tool. Our old method of management involved editing and distributing documents in several paper copies and then collecting the old copies in the field to eliminate old versions. This method was cumbersome and risked losing documents. This problem was solved with the Qualipro software, which allowed us to summarize the editing of several paper copies into a single original copy then recorded in Qualipro and distributed to the concerned parties with a workflow for validation and consultation.

Qualipro software has largely met this need, as it has also allowed us to manage interfaces between actions, change requests, audits, training, with a clear and transparent vision. For example, at each meeting, actions to be addressed emerge. Previously, these actions were communicated by email, and the concerned parties found several justifications for not carrying them out: “I did not check the email” or “The deadline has been reached, but I did not have time.” With Qualipro, all action records are recorded directly in the concerned person’s calendar with a workflow. The workflow generates a notification upon reaching the date of realization and follow-up. So, there are no more excuses for non-achievement or forgetting.

Simply put, the Qualipro software has allowed us to have a well-organized quality management system. We have been using Qualipro software since 2012, and it has been 11 years of collaboration and relationship with the SaphirConsult team, which has always been very positive and aimed at improvement.

We are satisfied with the Qualipro software and wish all the best to the entire Saphir Consult team.


Marouani Mounira Responsable du MQ Système

Marouani Mounira

Quality Management System Manager

Adwya Laboratories

Signature Marouani Mounira