ISO-45001 is the first International Standard for occupational health and safety.
ISO 45001: 2018, a dual-purpose standard, includes requirements for implementing occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMS) and guidelines for their use.
This standard provides a clear framework for all organizations wishing to improve their OHS performance.
What’s new in ISO 45001: 2018 in 12 key points
The ISO 45001 standard adopts the 10-chapter structure “High-Level Structure: (HLS)” to facilitate its integration with the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards.
The ISO 45001 standard brings many new and revised definitions: Effectiveness, outsourcing, participation, cooperation, documented information, external stakeholder, …
The organization must be aware of the significant internal and external aspects that can influence favorably or unfavorably its working environment and its organization.
The relevant internal and external stakeholders of the organization should be identified and their needs and expectations should be taken into account as requirements to which the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) must conform.
The scope of the OHSMS must evolve in line with changes in the context, relevant stakeholders, and outsourced activities.
A voluntary approach which supposes the strong commitment of the management. According to the standard, the management assumes full responsibility for the effectiveness of the OHSMS (11 requirement lines…) in favor of the participative approach and the encouragement of the prevention culture.
The requirements in terms of consultation and participation of workers (supervisors and non-supervisors) are strongly detailed, in particular about the establishment and implementation of the OHSMS, consultation for the feedback of information, and their participation in decision-making.
Starting from the general context of the organization and the requirements of the interested parties, the organization must identify and evaluate the risks and opportunities for the OHS and the OHSMS. It must then define the actions to be implemented to control and reduce its risks and promote its opportunities.
Several new concepts appear in the chapter on operational planning and control with more requirements: requirements that concern both intra- and inter-company workplaces, the hierarchy of prevention measures, change management, purchasing, suppliers, and outsourcing.
The organization shall define and implement performance monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation to assess its compliance with legal and other applicable requirements.
The management review takes into account all the developments of the standard: context, needs and expectations of interested parties, risks and opportunities, participation and consultation of workers, etc.
The organization shall react to incidents and non-conformities, and conduct an evaluation and analysis of the events with the workers by involving the relevant interested parties. It must also examine the effectiveness/efficiency of any action taken.
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